Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

Number of lives impacted: 36,298

In the era of economic development and growing human populations, natural spaces are increasingly shrinking and the environmental damage is often overlooked. NPCI believes in sustainable development and conservation and protection of India’s rich and unique bio-diversity in order to create harmony with flora, fauna and communities who share space with them. These communities are mostly from economically backward backgrounds and are dependent on forests for their sustenance.

Under this focus area, NPCI aims to:

  • Build capacities of communities and of critical stakeholders in protecting India’s rich bio-diversity.
  • Ensuring sustainable and efficient Natural Resource Management integral to the wellbeing of India’s bio-diversity and neighboring communities.
  • Create mitigation parameters for pressing environmental challenges.
  • Ensure sustainable livelihood opportunities in landscapes where people share area with wildlife in order to reduce their dependency over forests and reduce Human-Wildlife conflict.
Human wildlife coexistence - Bombay Natural History Society

Awarness Camps
for school

Workshop for Forest department officials

Integrated Rural Development Program - The Corbett Foundation.

Awarness Generation Activity at school

Masala Making Self
Help Group


Building Climate Resilient Community for Securing Livelihood - SRIJAN

Doha Construction

Farmer's Training on Orchards

Jal Minar - To obtain fresh drinking water

Field stories
Vermicompost- Self sufficiency and Sustainability - The Corbett Foundation

Hanumant Sawant, a resident of Ovaliye village in district Sindhudurg, Maharashtra is an enthusiastic farmer, He is part of The Corbett Foundation (TCF) & National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI)’s Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) in the area of Amboli. He willingly undertook the vermicomposting as part of the livelihood component of IRDP.

Sawant completed the training arranged by TCF and learned the know-hows of the establishing, managing and running a vermi compost unit. He got his vermi compost unit set up in his premises. By meticulously following his learnings from the training, Sawant successfully produced his first lot of vermicompost within 45 days of setting up the unit, which was a quantity of whopping 100 kg!

Hanumant Sawant had taken the training in December 2021, and since then in the past 9 months he has been regularly producing vermi compost; each time around 100 kg. So far, Sawant has produced at least 420 kg of vermi compost. The market rate for vermicompost is Rs. 15 per kg. Thus, Sawant has produced vermicompost worth Rs. 6,300/-

However, instead of selling vermicompost Sawant has been using it in his own orchard for 300 cashew trees, 28 coconut palms and 50 mango trees. Interestingly, Sawant did not need to buy any fertilizer or pesticide from the market for these trees. Thus, with the vermicompost set up he managed to reduce his production cost and at the same time took a step towards avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides for considerably large number of trees in his orchard.

Hanumant Sawant