What is NPS

A net promoter score is a method of using a single survey question to gauge customer satisfaction / loyalty with a product or brand.

Businesses can send out this question— “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [our product or company]?”—at various stages of the customer’s journey.

Fred Reichheld, a partner at Bain & Company, developed the net promoter score (also called the NPS or NPS score) in 2003. Idea is to give businesses a quick pulse check to learn how the customers are being treated and how loyal are they with the product / brand


Calculation is standard and is followed globally. This is easy to calculate.

  • Promoters (who have rated between 9 or 10)
  • Passive (who have rated between 7 or 8)
  • Detractors (who have rated between 0 to 6)

NPS = (Count of Promoter feedback – Count of Detractor feedback) / Total Response Count * 100

Alternate Formula: NPS = % Promoter - % Detractors

Range NPS Score Indicative Categories
-100 to 0 Needs of improvements
0 to 20 Good
20 to 50 Favourable
50 to 80 Exellent
80 to 100 World Class
Net Promoter Score scores can range from -100 (all detractors and no promoters) to 100 (all promoters and no detractors). The closer to 100, the better.

Customer Segments

Net promoter segment has 3 customer segments where we measure their loyalty:


  • More spending
  • Negotiate less
  • Stay longer
  • Easier to service
  • Upgrade quicker


  • Relatively satisfied
  • Compare offers with others
  • Negotiate
  • Look at competitors
  • Need excellent service


  • Damage brand
  • Negative word of mouth
  • Sceptical
  • Never appreciate
  • Always unhappy with brand

Benefits of doing NPS

NPS results help to take immediate action to improve your relationship with the client, AND – and to plan your long-term improvements.

  1. 1. Measure different customer experiences
  2. 2. Delivers actionable insights
  3. 3. Boost customers experience
  4. 4. Helps in assessing business condition
  5. 5. Future customer strategy can be built
  6. 6. Upgrade and develop new products and services
  7. 7. Reduce customer churn
  8. 8. Design and implement closed loop feedback processes
  9. 9. Process of measuring benchmark against competition

Why NPCI is doing NPS

National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), an umbrella organisation for operating retail payments and settlement systems in India, is an initiative of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) under the provisions of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007, for creating a robust Payment & Settlement Infrastructure in India.

The products of NPCI are being used by the end customer for which we are seeking feedback which shall be beneficial for our members as well as NPCI.Through NPS, NPCI measures the concern areas / pain points that customers highlight which is then taken up by the respective product managers to work upon.

  1. 1. Loyalty and recommendation score of products are measured
  2. 2. Concerns / issues with using the product
  3. 3. Delay in getting the services
  4. 4. Services impacting end consumers on a monetary level
  5. 5. Complaint closures and TAT
  6. 6. Issues pertaining to bank products and services
  7. 7. Customer support and grievance redressals

Benefit to customers

Ease in using the products and services

Timely closure of complaints and grievance

TAT reduction

Technical level issues and concerns are sorted

Reduction in bank level issues

Benefits to banks / partners

Products are offered and issued to consumers through bank hence NPS feedback helps in attaining the high level of satisfaction. This helps banks / partners in continued loyalty towards their products.

Suggestions / recommendations provided by consumers are also related to banks and its services which helps bank in understanding the areas that needs to be focussed upon.

  • Helpdesk and its services can be measure
  • Bank branch level issues can be easily analysed
  • Complaint closures and TAT
  • Experience with banking product and services
  • Micro level to macro level issues and segmentation

NPS Live on NPCI Products

NPCI NPS Survey Live under Channels

Product specific survey links are shared by partner QDegrees with NPCI. These product survey URLs (Links) are mapped with respective banks.

The survey feedback links / URL’s is shared with banks to take it up through various channels.

As per the current approach, banks are triggering the survey feedback through SMS (Links are embedded in their SMS text template)

Survey links can be used under below mediums:

  1. 1. SMS
  2. 2. Email
  3. 3. WhatsApp
  4. 4. QR code
  5. 5. Website / App based (survey integration)