Go International with RuPay: It’s that easy

Go International with RuPay: It’s that easy!

Embarking on international travel? That’s the dream. However, ensuring access to funds and smooth financial transactions while abroad is essential for a stress-free journey. Activating your international card is a crucial step in this process, allowing you to use your card seamlessly across borders. Whether you're planning a leisurely vacation or a business trip, here are some key steps to activate your international card and make the most of your travels.

Step 1: You need to check the international eligibility of your card. Most often, it’ll be mentioned on the card facia or the back of the card.

Step 2: You need to activate your international usage via the mobile banking app or net banking by following these simple steps.

If you wish to modify your daily international usage on the card:

  • Click on Cards tab and go to Credit/Debit Cards menu
  • Click on ‘Card control’/ ‘Modify Usage’
  • Select 'Modify International Limit'
  • Set your daily international limit

You can also visit your nearest bank branch to activate this feature on your card.

Here’s your to do, or rather MUST do list:
  • Inform your bank about your travel in advance to ensure your card is not blocked/ flagged while transacting internationally.
  • Check with your bank on the terms and conditions, international transaction fees or currency conversion rates etc.
  • Before embarking on your journey, do a test transaction to ensure your card is working smoothly and that you have access to funds while abroad. This can help avoid any inconveniences during your travels.
  • Once the international channel is activated on a card, it becomes essential to establish a suitable limit. Failing to do so can result in declined transactions.

Take note, cardholders: During setup, remember that contactless and online transactions for ecommerce purchases can usually be activated within the same tab or page. This convenient approach offers efficiency and empowers you to tailor your transaction preferences effectively.