RuPay Global Programme

Newsletter December 2019 images RuPay Global Programme 01
Newsletter December 2019 images RuPay Global Programme 02
Newsletter December 2019 images RuPay Global Programme 03
Newsletter December 2019 images RuPay Global Programme 04

RuPay started with cashbacks in UK, then with cashback in UAE and now it’s Bigger & Better - as the travel season starts, RuPay international cardholders can now enjoy flat 40% cashback on all international POS transactions and a host of experience before the trip, during the trip and after especially in countries (which have high Indian footfalls coupled with good RuPay Acceptance) such as UAE, Singapore, Sri Lanka, UK, USA, Spain and Switzerland.

RuPay team is constantly aiming to create an end to end value proposition for RuPay International Cardholders by adding value addition across the customer’s journey

rupay foodie file

RuPay Foodie Files Campaign was launched during the Christmas season. The campaign focused on getting the best partner brands to give RuPay customers the most valuable offers considering heavy footfalls and usage of card to avail the exciting offers in the Christmas week